1 - Infant Optics DXR-8 Video Baby Monitor - i honestly have never used a baby monitor before. at least not a ton. i think i used it a little with Bronx (my first), but then we've always just been able to hear our babies, so there was no need. however, my sister in law has this one she just got for her new baby...and she swears by it. i've checked it out in person and am now in love with it. especially how you can SEE your baby, and talk to them through the monitor!
2 - Baby Car Seat Cover Canopy - yes, i have made a lot of these. and maybe will end up making hers, but i looooove this one that i saw my friend had. all things blush and stripes? yes please. and when i saw how affordable it was on Amazon...well, it's sitting in my cart :)
3 - Ellebowtique bows - cutest stinkin bows. i make a lot myself too, but sometimes i just want to...be lazy and not make them myself! haha. and how cute are these ones for November?! She has a ton of adorable options in her shop!
4 - Baby Bandana Drool Bibs - never used them, but just look how cute you guys!! Tinley (my second) was a major drooler, and i so wish i had had these with her!
5 - Owlet Care Baby - another monitor, i know. but this one goes on her foot and monitors her heart rate. huge peace of mind. most of you don't know (unless you read my family blog), but this third pregnancy of mine is considered high risk and this little baby girl will most likely undergo surgery shortly after birth. we've seen some specialists and are going to see more. Basically it looks like she has one lung, and so i am having her down in Utah by Primary Children's. Having something like this is basically a must for me!
6 - Floral Pom Pom Swaddle Blanket - I mean, just look at it! The florals, the pom poms...!!
7 - Fawn Design Diaper Bag - I finally bit the bullet and bought it. This is the one thing i have purchased so far for her. i had 2 friends that also have this same bag, and so it was really helpful being able to see and feel it before buying...because hello it's not something i usually spend so much money on! but you guys, i'm slightly obsessed and LOVE it!!
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