i've been seeing some shirts like this lately:

and i think they are the cutest. well i wanted one of my own, but didn't want to spend any moneys. sooooo i decided to make my own....don't laugh....
i grabbed a plain white t from my closet(from walmart), and when i saw that i had extra leopard fabric (from Walmart) in my scrap box i knew that's what i wanted to use for my heart! something fun and different. i used a sharpie to draw a heart shape on the back of the fabric, then i cut it out. (*tip=i used a sharpie because this fabric is thick and dark-when working with a lighter material i always use a pencil)
i then put on the white t and held up the heart to see where i wanted it to lay. good thing too, because if i had placed the heart where i originally had it(just sitting on the table laying on my tummy region, it'd look funny. i put in a few pins and then took off the t. i was planning on just sewing the heart on, but then remembered this awesome stuff called "liquid stitch". it's an iron-on adhesive.
that's what i used. it is the bomb.com in my opinion. in my "non-sewing" days (bahaha) i would have married that stuff, and wish i would have realized how awesome it was sooner. like say, especially for some baby onesies.
just for fun i stitched around the heart. basically for looks. nothing fancy or hard, but i do like the added "security" that the thread adds. it feels more permanent.
and here's the finished product. i like it! what do you think?.....
*have you used Liquid Stitch before?
just for fun i stitched around the heart. basically for looks. nothing fancy or hard, but i do like the added "security" that the thread adds. it feels more permanent.
and here's the finished product. i like it! what do you think?.....
*have you used Liquid Stitch before?